In this episode, Dr Ian Marder, Assistant Professor in Criminology at Maynooth University, talks about restorative and relational pedagogy and how he has embedded RP in his teaching.
Article: Marder, I., Vaugh, T., Kenny, C., Dempsey, S., Savage, E., Weiner, R., Duffy, K. & Hughes, G. (2022) “Enabling student participation in course review and redesign: piloting restorative practices and design thinking in an undergraduate criminology programme”, Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 33(4), 526-547.
Video: “Restorative approaches to teaching and learning in higher education”, Irish Universities Association, Digital Education Community workshop series (9 May 2022; video here).
Video: “Using circles in higher education classrooms: impact, applications, design”, Restorative Justice Pedagogy Network, training video (28 March 2022; video here; slides here).
Video: “Restorative approaches to designing restorative justice assessments in higher education”, Restorative Justice Pedagogy Network, workshop (22 April 2021; video here).