You are listening to part 3 of our discussion with Kiran Pereira where we are gonna dig deep on sustainable solutions to the global sand crisis.
Kiran is the Founder & Chief Storyteller at an organization that works to create awareness about the urgent need to manage our consumption of sand as a resource. They aim to bridge the gap between science, policy and industry by identifying and promoting potential solutions to the looming sand crisis.
If you observe keenly, you’ll notice how rarely sand and its sustainability comes up in climate change awareness conversations. Just bcoz its not being spoken much, doesn’t mean that its impacts ain’t alarming.
Doston, I’m counting on you to help us spread the word and spark a thought within your circle of influence. All you have to do is share this episode with them and start a conversation.
Our conversation has been split into 3 parts. Part 1 focuses on problems and impacts of sand mining on our lives and the ecosystem.
Part 2 focuses on sustainable, circular solutions to today’s unsustainable sand industry
Part 3 will focus on action points for making this planet a better place.
Today sand is valued poorly, therefore linked with a lot of exploitation and creates barriers to adoption of sustainable technology & infrastructure;
Sand is a non-renewable resource in human timescales;
Humankind has built 850,000 dams around the world rivers that are blocking sand’s natural course of path;
Today humans have become a geo-morphological force …trying hard to compete with nature...
Sand and gravel are the most extracted solid substances on earth;
Today's regulations around sand are archaic;
We lack awareness and urgency around the topic of sand unsustainability;Tune into the episode to learn more.
Watch the Documentary : Sand Wars
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Key words : Illegal sand mining