This podcast is supported by the Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council
Council news with CEO Dr Helen Macdonald: ( the final recording with the outgoing CEO)
- Event Support Program grant funding adjustments
- Australia Day Funding - not taken up by councillors
- Discovery Holiday Parks cabin development plans
- Riverton Community Hall structural works update
- Increased requests for infrastructure builds on council land
- CEO top 3 incomplete projects - Stormwater management, CWMS, Clare Town Hall
Unprecedented frost events hit paddocks across the Mid North of South Australia
Farmers across most of the state have been dealt with a double slap to the face this growing season with dry weather and now severe frosts decimating wheat, barley and lentil crops.
The Clare and Gilbert Valleys is one region that’s been hit hard with some producers stating it’s the worst dry season in 110 years, doubled with severe frosts of -7 degrees.
The frosts have also affected grape growing regions across the state, the Barossa reporting 30% damage, and the Clare valley reporting 15% affect to vineyards, however it's not as widespread as last year.
In October 2023, Primary Industries and Regions reported 40% of the regions vineyards were impacted by frost.
So far this year, the Polish Hill River Valley region has been hit the hardest.
You'll hear from Michelle Bammann from Ground Up Agronomy who provides a broad overview of the season across the mid north of SA and Robert Jaeschke from Hill River Wines who captures the extent the dry and frosty conditions that have affected his operation.
CGVC September Minutes:
Ground Up Agronomy:
Hill River Wines:
Hill River Hay: