“The moment you take responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you can change anything in your life” – Hal Erod.
Welcome to our first episode on money, so important we had to write it 3 times! At some point we have all questioned the craziness of having an in-depth knowledge of Pythagoras but not even a basic understanding of taxes, mortgages or being financially independent. Well, even after 3 years at university, we’re still none the wiser. So, whilst we can’t promise any pearls of financial wisdom, we will hopefully be having a relatable discussion on the difficulties and small successes we’ve had in dealing with finances as new graduates.
After this episode, if you fancy seeing more up-to-date snippets of our life, feel free to check out our social media:
Twitter: @nurdangeorge
Instagram: @nurdan.george
P.S. Here are some useful links for tackling your finances as a graduate, thank us later!