Tobi is from Lagos, Nigeria. At the time of her interview, she was living outside of London, England, and had recently launched The Book Banque, a social enterprise using literature to develop young people in Nigeria.
When we met for her interview, she was spending her days, “…that’s a very complicated question. There’s no day that is the same for me. But I would probably say I’m working part-time, and I’m also running an organization. So I try to do a bit of both.”
Tobi’s Most Likely To Is: "Most Likely To Mobilize People and Empower Youth"
We talked about who tends to be surprised that she’s Nigerian. She shared the story of how she wound up living in England and explained how she developed a passion for helping young people.
She spoke about the people who have had a big influence on her life, and described the benefits she has received from traveling to different countries. We also discussed how she deals with moments when it doesn’t feel like she’s winning and everyone else on social media is.
Intro Theme Music: "Chega Para Mim" by AbJo
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