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By Wanderers of Changing Worlds
The podcast currently has 11 episodes available.
Why do pipes need to be widened and dams in Denmark to be strengthened? Are old or young people more aware of Climate Change? Why was the energy debates one of the major topics in spite of the then upcoming parliamentary election? How did Nina choose to which people to talk to and how? And what can happen if the Öresund straight freezes? These questions are discussed in this episode, while Greta and Nina are listening to the voices from the three weeks when Nina was walking through Denmark in autumn 2022 in Team North.
Location: Denmark, Team North
Date of recording: 21.12.2023
Total length: 00:59:44
00:00:00 Teaser
00:01:43 Welcome and Introduction to the Episode
00:03:21 Experience from 3 weeks of Denmark
00:16:19 Extreme and Changing Weathers
00:25:51 Heaps of Water
00:34:40 Denmark and the Energy Question
00:42:00 Which generations are more aware?
00:51:37 Questioning Responsibilities: Too Small to Act?
00:58:00 Some Schnaps at the End
This episode takes you back in time to the end of summer 2022 to our Team North in Norway, where we spent quite a long time. While the recording took already place in September 2022, the editing was finished at the end of 2023. So we travel a bit back in time and listen to the voices our Wanderers collected in the North. The voices tell us about appearing and disappearing species, tourism, energy sources and who has a responsibility for act. Tune in to hear why they are concerned about the cloudberries, the discussions of how the Norwegian welfare state is financed and how our Wanderers are longing for their break days.
Location: Norway, Team North
Date of recording: September 2022 (Editing: autumn 2023)
Total length: 1 h 26 minutes
00:00:00 Teaser
00:02:27 Intro & Welcome to the episode
00:04:04 Taking breaks
00:07:47 Topics of this episode
00:09:10 Weather, temperature and season changes
00:14:16 Extreme weather events
00:16:44 Norway as winner of Climate change?
00:18:35 Species changing & the Arctic Fox under threat
00:23:42 Gulf stream and changes of the ocean waters
00:25:43 Impacts on the forest and why cloudberries are disappearing
00:30:30 Climate change art
00:37:20 Media narratives
00:38:06 Tourism and tourism management in the Lofoten National Park
00:43:31 Oil extraction, the Norwegian state, and renewable energies
00:53:38 Wind power (and green colonialism)
00:57:13 Responsibility to act
01:11:31 Emotions, despair and hope
01:15:14 Good bye and message from Ada and Fred (Voices of the Valley, , )
01:18:20 Music by the “Vuomien Tjuajah/Voices of the Valley”
In this episode we return to Team South and their journey in autumn/winter 2022/2023 through Southern France. Anna shares the experience of her foot injury, Eva her disappointment over wine-romance and Nina learned that the mistral is not at first a Yu-Gi-Oh monster. Listening to voices and telling our memories from the Climate Walk, we reflect on the thoughts and experiences of winds and weathers, wine and water, future hopes and fears, that people along our way shared with us.
Location: France (& Monaco), Team South
Date of recording: 06.12.2023
Total length: 1 h 24 minutes
00:00:00 Teaser
00:01:42 Intro
00:02:59 What happened since finishing the walk
00:06:09 Arrival in France
00:14:38 Changing Weathers
00:24:38 The Mistral Wind
00:29:41 Water shortages and water distribution
00:38:07 Agriculture & Wine plantations
00:47:23 Politics, responsibilities & education
00:59:51 Climate emotions and thoughts about the future
01:08:26 Injuries and changing plans
01:23:17 Au Revoir!
In this episode we listen to voices that our Team South collected this autumn on their journey through Portugal and Spain. We hear concerns about water and fire, droughts and eucalyptus.
Location: Team South, Portugal and Spain
Date of recording: 05.12.2022
Total length: 1h 25 minutes
00:00 teaser
01:50 Welcome back & Introduction to Team South
06:30 Hiking Impressions
12:55 Lack of Water
24:13 Concerned about the Rivers
35:35 Warmer Weather and more Extremes
42:24 Forest Fires
56:00 Eucalyptus Monocultures
1:05:22 People leaving the Countryside
1:10:45 Thoughts about the Future
1:16:35 Good-bye and Outlook
1:19:50 Presentation Music
1:22:00 Morirem d'Aquí a Pocs Anys by Pol Gise
While the Climate Walk team spends several months hiking through Norway, they have encountered few people, many reindeers and occasionally a bear or a moose. With the people living in the most Northern parts of the Scandinavian peninsula, our Wanderers talked about changing weather conditions, expanding energy industries and what that means for their lives. They shared these impressions with us and we share their voices with you.
Location: Team North, Norway
Total length: 1h 3 min.
00:00 teaser + Intro Song
02:18 Welcome
04:12 the Wanderers’ experiences in the first weeks of hiking in Norway
09:03 changing weather conditions
15:17 consequences for reindeer herding
18:44 contribution versus effects on climate change in the North & traditional livelihoods
25:31 land use & energy industry
28:22 Alta controversy
31:29 wind energy
34:57 profits versus consequences
38:49 green colonialism
43:42 human rights reputation & indigenous rights
46:13 emotions about climate change
52:27 mining in Gâllok
55:02 about Sámi music and Yoiking
57:03 music as activism: demonstration song against mining — “Bures Boahtin Sápmái / Välkommen Till Sameland” by Max Mackhé
The European Climate Walk is on its way, and we reflect at this starting point on what we will do in the next few months: as a project, but also what is ahead for this podcast. We hear how the first hikers have prepared themselves for their journey in Northern Norway and talk with Gabriel Baunach from Climaware about the role of science communication in times of the Climate Crisis. Finally, we listen to the band Krafetzka and their song “No Planet B”.
Podcast timeline:
0:00 Teaser
1:40 Wanderers Song
3:12 Introduction
5:34 Markus & Anna on their way to the North Cape
9:25 Interview with Gabriel Baunach about Science Communication
36:00 Follow-up talk
40:44 Krafetzka
If you have comments, questions, suggestions or if you want to hike with us across Europe, let us know through our Social Media contacts or our website.
The discussion around science communication, especially in the face of the Climate Crisis, is way more extensive than we could cover in our podcast. Therefore, we listed some other podcasts we can recommend, that deal with this topic in more length and depth, if you are interested in hearing more (the ones on the list are in German):
If you have more recommendations of good podcasts about this topic, especially in other languages, let us know and we will list them here!
Der Austria Walk ist zu Ende und wir unterhalten uns mit den Wanderers über die Höhen und Tiefen des Weges, das Heimkommen, das Lernen unterwegs, die Unterschiede von Landschaften und Menschen, Hoffnung, und die Vorbereitung für den European Climate Walk… Zum Schluss begleitet von dem Lied “Trees for the Wood” von Manu Delago.
Was in dieser zweiten Folge passiert: Wir unterhalten uns über Ihre und unsere Arten zu reisen, werfen einen Blick auf das beliebte Reiseziel Alpen und die Veränderungen und Probleme denen sie ins Auge blicken, wir sprechen mit Christian Baumgartner über nachhaltige Tourismusformen und wir hören Musik von der Band Nelio.
Weitere Informationen und unsere Kontakte unter: .
This Bonus Episode introduces to you our title track for the Climate Walk.
Enjoy listening, sing along, play it, copy it, feel it!
Der Geh’n ma Austria Walk ist nun endlich gestartet. In der ersten Episode von Climate Walk, Climate Talk möchte Nina alles zum Thema Ernährung wissen: Bio? Oder doch lieber regional? Vegetarisch? Vegan? Was kommt bei Greta auf den Tisch? Denn die wandert mit Anna und Martin aus dem Kernteam durch Vorarlberg und Tirol und hat dabei Menschen am Weg zum Thema Ernährung und Klimawandel befragt und dann auch noch gleich zwei ExpertInnen zum Thema interviewt: Hannah-Heidi Schindler vom WWF Österreich und Prof. Markus Schermer der Uni Innsbruck. Dazu hören wir Musik der Band Souldja.
Hinweise: wir nennen verschiedene Produkte und Marken in diesem Podcast— das ist keine Werbung, sondern Teil der Diskussionen.
This podcast has been produced with the financial support of the European Union and the Eat4Change Project. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
The podcast currently has 11 episodes available.