Rachel thought she should choose a prestigious career, but she learned from teaching in a public high school in New Orleans to see priorities differently.
When Rachel graduated from college, she thought she’d become a lawyer, because that was the kind of prestigious job a smart girl like her was supposed to get. But 10 years later, she’s still working in public education in New Orleans, and not looking back.
You can find the show, and host Ariel Hudes, on Instagram @arielhudes.
Support the awesome work Rachel does at the Travis Hill School here: https://www.ceeas.org/new-school-in-new-orleans/
Rachel's side-business (#howdoesshehavetime) is called Rachel's Rings and Things. It's online here: https://www.facebook.com/rachelsringsnthings/
The artwork in our logo is by artist Caris Reid. See more of her amazing work at www.carisreid.com
Our music is “Wave” by Solvey.