Mental Health effects 1 in 5 Canadians. That's right 1 in 5! Or roughly 20% of us in. That does not included that are hurt by those suffering from it. That why it is so important to talk about this subject. Bell Let's Talk day is an initiative that was started a few years back to help end the stigma surrounding this.
I am not an mental health expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I am one of the people that has seen how it effects those close to him. Because of that I am present to you a special 3 part special edition of The Coach Brad Podcast talking about this very subject.
In this episode I talk about my 3 favourite things I like to do to help when I am feeling down. This is not for everyone and I know feeling down is different then seriously being depressed or suffering in silence. But they help me and hopefully someone who listens to this might help them and it makes their day a little better.
Here are my top 3 things:
1) Exercise - Yah you've heard it before I'm sure go to the gym, go for a walk do something it helps release endorphins that helps change your mood. I can tell you from experience that it really does help lift your mood. For myself personally the key word in that sentence is LIFT. Lift some heavy weights to me nothing makes me feel better than when it's rack pull, or squat time because it makes me feel good.
2) Music - Once again you have probably heard this before but nothing can change your mood quicker than a song. Sometimes you just need to relax and listen to something to try to get out of your own head. One song Jason Glass introduced me to on his podcast was Shake it baby by David Wilcox. Give it a listen and try not to smile after you hear it.
3) TALK - It's called Bell Let's Talk day for a reason. Don't be afraid to hide it, don't be afraid to open up to someone. I am lucky that I have some people in my life that I can message and talk to them about what's going on in my life at anytime. They don't judge me I don't judge them and it's great to have someone like that. We all need that. If you don't have someone then message myself I'll always listen.
That's it for my top 3. Next week I am going to talk a little bit more about Teenagers and what it's like for them in this world with the amount of stress school brings them, plus pressure from peers and home.
Until next time thank you for the listens and always shoot for the moon, if you miss your still a star!
Coach Brad