Oftentimes, we find ourselves struggling to spend time alone or to treat ourselves like we matter, because of the negative thoughts in our mind, and our everyday habits and actions that can bring chaos and unrest to our daily lives.
My name is JJ, I’m a Confidence & Mindset Coach, an international Feel the fear and do it anyway Trainer and empowerment speaker. I’m also one of the founding members of the Association of Black Coaches.
In this podcast, I share with you 6 considerations which will help you to restore inner peace in your life.
These methods are part of a programme I offer to my clients who come to me to help them overcome fears, anxieties, and other negative life obstacles which we all commonly face.
I trust this will add value to you and give you some useful pointers on how to improve your experience of life.
If you are interested in learning more about this, or would like to join my Signature Feel the fear and do it anyway training programme to increase your self- awareness, self- trust and inner peace, drop me an email to [email protected] and let’s have a complimentary clarity call where you can receive more information.
With love,