A person who knows HOW may always have a job, but a person who knows WHY will always be his boss. Good thinkers solve problems, they never lack ideas that can build an organization, and they always have hope for a better future.
Good thinkers rarely find themselves at the mercy of ruthless people who would take advantage of them or try to deceive them. “What luck for rulers that men do not think.” Those who develop the process of good thinking can rule themselves- even while under an oppressive ruler or in other adversities. In short, good thinkers are successful.
Though there are a diversity of successful people out there, they are similar in one way - “how they think”. That is the one thing that separates successful people from the ones that are not. The good news is, how successful people think can be learned. If you change your thinking, you can change your life.
Author Napoleon Hill observed, “More gold has been mined from the thoughts of man than has ever been taken from the Earth.” When you take the time to learn how to change your thinking and become a better thinker, you are investing in yourself.
Albert Einstein once said - “Thinking is hard work; that’s why few do it.”
So, if someone tells you otherwise and gives ideas from the top of his head, huh, expect dandruff. The only people who believe thinking is easy are those who don’t habitually do it. Thinking is not automatic either. If you want to find a good idea, you have to search for it. If you want to become a better thinker, you need to work for it. And what you put in always impacts what comes out.
To start the thinking process, you cannot rely on your moods. If you wait until you feel like doing something, you will likely never accomplish it. However, once you are in the process of good thinking, you can use your emotions to feed the process and create “mental momentum.” After you have established the discipline process of thinking, allow yourself to savor the moment and ride the mental energy of success.
However, one good thought does not make a good life. People who have “one good thought” and try to ride it for an entire career often end up unhappy or destitute. They are the one-hit wonders, the one-book authors, the one-message speakers, and the one-time inventors who spend their life struggling to protect or promote their single idea.
Success comes to those who have an entire mountain of gold that they can continually mine, not those who find one nugget and try to live on it for the long term. To become someone who can mine a lot of knowledge and ideas, you need to REPEAT the formula of good thinking.
And the formula is this: The right thoughts, with the right people, in the right environment, at the right time, for the right reasons, will get the RIGHT RESULTS.
It doesn’t matter whether you were born rich or poor. It doesn’t matter if you have a third-grade education or possess a Ph.D. No matter what your circumstances, you can learn to be a good thinker. Change your thinking, change your life.