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Selling your Atlanta home? Don't make these 5 mistakes!
A recent survey asked buyers what kinds of things annoyed them when they view a home. These mistakes should be avoided at all cost because they could cost you the sale of your home. With spring and summer approaching in Cobb County, now is not the time to chances on the sale of your home!
The Top 5 Offenses Homeowners Commit when Showing Their Property (according to buyers interviewed by Realtor Magazine):
Being present at the showing: This will always make the buyer very uncomfortable, and it makes them feel like they are intruding on someone's privacy. If you have a showing, make sure you're not in your home while it is going on. Just take a hike and get some coffee. This can make the situation less awkward for everyone involved.Pets: Animals are nice, but not to people that they have never encountered in their home before. Even if your pet is well trained, you never know how it will react to a guest in your home. Even when caged, they can still bark or growl, which can ruin the buyer's showing.
Bad Smells / Odors: Pet odors, cigarette smoke, and strong odors from cooking can deter many buyers from your home. I had a client who lost $35,000 dollars in value because she could not get the stench of cat odor out of her carpet. Bad / Odd Home Renovations: If you like doing your own remodeling but are not so highly skilled, you might want to consider having some repairs made onto your renovated areas. It's fine to renovate your home by yourself, but sometimes it is best to leave the job up to the professionals. Dirty / Cluttered Homes: People can absolutely not stand a dirty home or a cluttered home. It is surprising how often I see this, too. When you show your home, it needs to be sparkling clean. No dirty dishes, and no laundry should ever be left out. You need to make a good first impression with strong staging, and your home must be clean and orderly to do that. We have a professional stager who can view your home and give you tips about how to best prepare your home for a showing.
Hopefully this information has been helpful to you. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Consider me your #1 resource for real estate in Cobb County!