"My fundamental goal is to make the world a better place.... But if I can do something that helps other people make the world a better place, then my capacity at accomplishing my goal is expanded tenfold."
While pursuing a career in electrical engineering, Kent realized that he could automate everyday tasks using code. Today, he works to make the world a better place through programming, and to enable others to do the same. He does this by contributing to open source and creating a wide variety of educational resources. Next up Kent is creating workshops, both in-person and remote. When you teach, you learn!
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Email us: [email protected]
Chat with us: codecareer.io/discord
Kent C Dodds: Website | Twitter
Nick Kramer: Twitter | Twitch
Claire Southwell: Twitter
Testing Javascript Course: https://testingjavascript.com/
Egghead.io: https://egghead.io/
Frontend Masters: https://frontendmasters.com/
Dev Tips with Kent: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV5CVI1eNcJgCrPH_e6d57KRUTiDZgs0u
Wes Bos: https://twitter.com/wesbos
Scott Tolinski: https://twitter.com/stolinski | https://twitter.com/LevelUpTuts
Chris DeMars: https://twitter.com/saltnburnem
Aimee Knight: https://twitter.com/Aimee_Knight
3 Minutes With Kent: https://www.briefs.fm/3-minutes-with-kent
Workshops: https://kentcdodds.com/workshops/