A little girl was inspired, she had a vision, and she never gave up on that vision. Now she is all grown up and Tara Stucky has brought to fruition her dreams through determination, grit, and pure love for humanity. The woman behind Cause Coffee shares her struggles, her vision, her dream, and what she hopes for the future. In this episode we get true insight from a woman who genuinely wants to make a difference in her community as well as the world.
Cause Coffee exists to make a positive difference in developing nations through education, clean water wells, food, and disaster relief crisis, orphan care, anti human slavery, and much more. Follow them on social media to find out!
(913) 709-8235
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday: 8AM - 2PM
Website: https://www.causecoffeekc.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/causecoffeekc
Instragram: https://www.instagram.com/causecoffeekc/