In today's episode of Coffee with a Coach, sponsored by IMPACT Group, host and Coach Michelle Morettini explores using tools like ChatGPT for job search. Instead of a typical guest, Michelle "interviews" this AI tool and shares the responses.
Not familiar? ChatGPT was created by Open AI. According to Open AI, its primary function is to generate human-like responses to various prompts and questions. It has access to a vast amount of information and can discuss a wide range of topics in natural language.
Creeped out yet? Don't be! While Michelle jokes about being old enough to remember the plotline to the movie The Terminator, she also acknowledges that there is some real value for exploring AI tools like this. ChatGPT is not a spoken language tool, so Michelle walks us through the interview responses in this weird but interesting conversation with an artificial intelligence.
Want to learn more so you can make your own decisions about whether this tool is a must have or must ignore?
Getting started with ChatGPT is easy! Here are some steps to
Find a platform: ChatGPT is available on several platforms,including OpenAI's API, GPT-3 apps, and websites that integrate with GPT-3. You
can use any of these platforms to access ChatGPT.
Choose a task: Decide on the task or question you want ChatGPTto assist you with. It can be anything from writing a cover letter to finding
information on a particular topic.
Phrase your request: Phrase your request in a clear and concisemanner so that ChatGPT can understand what you need help with. You can type
your request or speak to ChatGPT if the platform supports voice input.
Review the response: ChatGPT will provide you with a response toyour request. Review the response carefully and follow up with additional
requests or questions if necessary.
Provide feedback: If ChatGPT's response is helpful, considerproviding feedback. This can help improve the accuracy and quality of ChatGPT's
responses in the future.