This is the first episode in our Identity Series: Your identity and worth isn't found in motherhood. If you know a mom, are a mom, or long to be a mom, this episode is for you.
Motherhood looks different for everyone. But, we all have some sort of a ‘picture perfect’ story in our minds of what it should look like. We may envision how many kids are in our future. We may envision the birth we long for and the joy when we see them for the first time. We see, we plan, we pray. But, when things don’t go that way… What do we do? How do we cope with this? And where is the deep root of shame and ‘mom guilt’ coming from?
Have you ever scrolled through social media and read through a post that left you feeling shame, or that you are not enough? Have you ever shared your story and the responses of people are far from empathetic and you feel they don’t get it? Do you ever say, “I’m fine”, even when inside you are deeply hurting?
I know I have. Especially when it comes to topics around motherhood. With Mother’s Day around the corner, this couldn't be more relevant.
In today’s episode, we will be diving into where our true identity is in Christ, what God’s Word says about us, and how to put that into action to live a life of freedom and worth, found in Jesus alone. Let’s get ready to dig deep.