At some point, we all have to have difficult conversations and if you are a manager, you'll have to have these conversations often. It's not always easy so I'm glad that this week I was joined for coffee by Toni McLelland. We discuss our management journeys, strategies for maintaining an open culture and leadership as a whole. Toni works closely with individuals to determine how they work based on her model of assessing behaviour, education, learning, mindset and environment. She brings thirty years of experience in working with the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) Central Government, care and educational strategic services, policy, strategy and crisis management to name but a few. Through her expertise she is able to develop and empower leaders with the right skills & knowledge for business; this, in turn, leads to a profitable and compliant business whether she is working with an established business, organisation, or a start-up. You can find Toni on LinkedIn and also at