In this episode you'll hear from John Kim - the man who gave it all up for crypto - who has been the leading figure for Litecoin and has been a committed and relentless spokesperson for the project. You will get to hear a range of topics regarding Bitcoin and Litecoin, but most importantly, how he has been the most loyal supporter for Litecoin throughout it ups and downs. John explains that without the hardships, sacrifice, and struggles he faced in his life, he would not be in the position he is today. We talk about the importance of risk in a person's life journey, the importance of Bitcoin and Litecoin in today's rigged financial system, decentralization, and how blockchain restores the trust that has been lost in our system. Overall my takeaway is this: John is one of the most real people out there, and his demonstration and actions show that sacrifice, loyalty, perseverance, and hard work are what lead a person towards success and fulfillment in one's life.