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In High School Kalen took internationally focused courses. He loved Public Speaking and Debate and participated in a number of competitions and won the state championship in his senior year.
At 16, even though he couldn’t vote, he actively volunteered in political action organizations.
Kalen joins us on our podcast to share his UG Experience at CU Boulder, Studio Lab, UG Research in Political Science, TEDxCU, and Advice for High Schoolers.
In particular, we discuss the following with him:
Overall Experience at CU Boulder
Studio Lab & UG Research
Majoring in Political Science & Evolutionary Biology
Advice to High SchoolersTopics discussed in this episode:
Introduction to Kalen Sieja, CU Boulder []
Hi Fives - Podcast Highlights []
Overall CU Boulder Experience []
High School Interests []
Interest in Political Advocacy []
Transition to College []
New Study Skills []
Peers []
Professors []
UG Research with Studio Lab []
The Research []
The Research Difference []
Majoring in PoliSci and Evolutionary Biology []
Grad School Plans []
Advice for High Schoolers []
Memories []Our Guests: Kalen Sieja is pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado Boulder.
Memorable Quote: “And there's so many ways that you can customize your college experience to fit you, and you shouldn't be like, ashamed or scared or anything like that, to ask for help when you need it, and really make your college experience something that's going to benefit you long term, rather than just like, following the exact traditional path that's completely cookie cutter that other people follow. ” Kalen Sieja.
Episode Transcript: Please visit Episode’s Transcript.
Similar Episodes: College Experiences
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