PÖV by 1PrettyRicky is a sensory journey through electronic, indie, and soul genres, released through WEAREONE Music.
It is shared from the first, second, and third person perspectives, with the visual mixtape created through the neural frames "Juggernaut XL" AI model (www.neuralframes.com). Their model brings each viewpoint to life, with fluid motion content for a dynamic video creation.
To download the audio or view the full visual mixtape experience, visit my Bandcamp store here: https://1prettyricky.bandcamp.com/album/p-v
Press play, close your eyes, and let your mind see what I see. Audio streaming will be available for a limited time only.
Follow 1PrettyRicky
∞ www.djprettyricky.com
∞ www.instagram.com/1prettyricky
∞ www.facebook.com/1prettyricky
∞ @1PrettyRicky
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