edit: so clearly missed the mark on this one for a lot of people. I'm not discussing people who live or work in a dangerous environment, or people's initial reason to train. and I'm not saying that being able to defend yourself is a useless thing. this is in reference to people's ongoing primary training motivation, who are not constantly in danger (which I think applied to most bjj practicioners, but I may be wrong) - otherwise they wouldn't be a warrior in a garden at all
There's a famous proverb that has become something of a joke in BJJ circles: 'It's better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war'. It's a joke not because of the message that it carries, but rather because it is overused and over-quoted by white belts the world over. Along with saying that the ground is their ocean, and that a back belt is a white belt that never quit, they make up a collection of sayings that nobody needs to hear but that so many will. But my real problem with the saying is not its overuse. It's that it conveys a terrible reason to learn BJJ.