In this week's episode, we're going to be talking with Amy B. Scher. Amy is the bestselling and award-winning author of four books about human’ing and healing, which have been translated into 20 languages and endorsed by notable authors such as Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray Love); Vikas Swarup (Slumdog Millionaire); and Sanjiv Chopra, MD, Harvard Medical School and (Brotherhood with Deepak Chopra).
With over a decade’s experience in marketing and publishing (Harley-Davidson, State Farm, Scripps Howard News, Thrillist)—Amy has created a diverse career by seamlessly combining her skills in multiple mediums. She writes and teaches on the topics of healing, human-ing, writing, and creativity. Her groundbreaking work in mind-body healing is internationally recognized and endorsed by prominent physicians and used in medical organizations and programs nationwide. Through her books, classes, and programs, she’s helped thousands of people become their happiest, healthiest, and most expressive selves.
Her work has appeared in The Washington Post, Thrillist, CBS, CNN, Los Angeles Review of Books, New York Daily News, Good Morning America, National Geographic, Cosmo, Oprah Daily, and more. Amy has presented at New York Presbyterian Hospital, The New School, The Open Center in New York, 1440 Multiversity, and more. She’s proud to serve on the associate board for Literacy Partners and be a mentor for teen girls through the Girls Write Now program.
The signs, signals, messages and gifts our symptoms offer and what they're trying to communicate to and with us.
The balance between conventional medicine and alternative healing methods.
Finding the balance along the way of a healing journey and slowing down the "pendulum" swinging of personal growth, healing and development.
The power of pause and the value that comes from doing nothing.
How "less truly is more" and the subtle and valuable differences little changes can make in your life.
Addressing the "all or nothing" mindset and traps around healing.
Learn more about Amy B. Scher at
Work with Amy's teachings and healing techniques through her works, How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can , This is How I Save My Life , How to Heal Yourself from Depression When No One Else Can , How to Heal Yourself from Anxiety When No One Else Can
If you’d like to learn more about me and how live a life you love and love yourself while doing it, visit me at to for more amazing ways we can learn and grow together.
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