Hi, y’all. It’s Cameron Stefanski Welcome to the Rainbow Cloud and the first episode of Coming Out of the Storm: the podcast. We have our first special guest joining us today. We discuss powerful moments and stories centered around Accessibility, Acceptance, and Activism. We have so much in store for you.
In our conversation with Cody, we speak about what it was like for Cody growing up in a blended home and non-traditional family lifestyle, and how that affected his life through obstacles he faced from racial profiling and bullying for being an Asian American. He said it beautifully, “it does not matter what you look like, or where you come from, what matter is the language we speak..” Throughout our conversation, I find an overwhelming theme that our words have such gravity, whether good or bad. Cody allowed us to remember the importance of the way we can make each other feel and the importance that everyone has their own story. We are all human. We are all on a joint journey together, one way or another. Thank you for tuning in to our conversation today. Be the LOVE that conquers hate.