How do you view the world? How do you view yourself and others?
In this episode, president of the Institute Of Noetic Science (IONS), Cassandra Vieten, PhD shares her in depth knowledge on how to view yourself, each other, and the world in a more empowered way.
You will find her story, research, and work impressive and thought provoking! After listening to this episode, you will have a new outlook on communication and life.
Ready to transform the way you look at the world? Let’s chat!
var mapjq=jQuery;
var settings = {
playerInstance: "map_player1",
instanceName: "artwork5",
sourcePath: "",
activePlaylist: "playlist-10",
activeItem: 0,
volume: 0.5,
autoPlay: false,
preload: "auto",
randomPlay: false,
loopingOn: true,
mediaEndAction: "next",
soundCloudAppId: "",
gDriveAppId: "",
usePlaylistScroll: true,
playlistScrollOrientation: "vertical",
playlistScrollTheme: "dark-2",
useKeyboardNavigationForPlayback: false,
createDownloadIconsInPlaylist: false,
createLinkIconsInPlaylist: false,
facebookAppId: "",
useNumbersInPlaylist: true,
numberTitleSeparator: ". ",
artistTitleSeparator: " - ",
sortableTracks: false,
playlistItemContent: "title",
useContinousPlayback: false,
continousKey: "map_continous_key",
useMediaSession: false,
useStatistics: false,
showStatisticsIcons: false,
togglePlaybackOnMultipleInstances: true
window.map_player1=mapjq("#map-wrapper1").on("setupDone", function(e, data){
//called when plugin has been instantiated and is ready to use api, returns (instance, instanceName)
//console.log(data.instance, data.instanceName);
}).on("soundRequest", function(e, data){
//called when new song has been requested, returns (instance, instanceName, counter)
}).on("soundStart", function(e, data){
//called on song start, returns (instance, instanceName, counter)
}).on("soundPlay", function(e, data){
//called on song play, returns (instance, instanceName, counter)
}).on("soundPause", function(e, data){
//called on song pause, returns (instance, instanceName, counter)
}).on("soundEnd", function(e, data){
//called on song end, returns (instance, instanceName, counter)
}).on("soundError", function(e, data){
//called on song error, returns (instance, instanceName, counter)
}).on("playlistStartLoad", function(e, data){
//called on playlist start load, returns (instance, instanceName)
}).on("playlistEndLoad", function(e, data){
//called on playlist end load, returns (instance, instanceName)
}).on("playlistEnd", function(e, data){
//called on playlist end, returns (instance, instanceName, counter)