Bill Manassero is proof that it’s never too late to invest in real estate. Bill made his first deal at the great age of 60! Based in Irvine, California, he has worked in offices, worked as a musician, and operated his own businesses all his life. His music led him to take part on a mission in Haiti, where he started his organization named ‘Child Hope International’ which helps the children of Haiti. After a few years on the mission, he and his family moved back to the states and hit the ground running in the world of real estate.
In this episode, Bill talks about his life in Haiti, how he came up with the idea of helping orphaned and abandoned children. He also discusses why & how he jumped into real estate, about his first deals, his lessons learned from it, and how he made the transition into a 22 unit deal.
Episode Highlights:
Bill’s Mission in Haiti
His Start In Real Estate
Paralysis of Analysis
Hiring Property Managers
Connect with Bill:
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Intro: Hey guys, and welcome to the show. Today, I'm very excited to host Bill Manassero. And Bill's story is very inspiring, particularly because of the fact that he started investing in real estate when he was 60 years old. A lot of people say that they're afraid of jumping in because they feel like that ship has already sailed, or they're too young and many other excuses why not getting into real estate. But how about being 60 years old, not having enough money to retire or thinking about retirement and getting into real estate at that particular point? I think that's inspiring, and it doesn't matter the situation, I think it's something that we should learn from. So, without further ado, let's have Bill Manassero.
Lady: Welcome to the commercial real estate investing podcast with Don and Eden where we cover all aspects of real estate investing with special attention to off-market strategies.
Don: Hey, Bill, welcome to the show, and happy Thanksgiving.
Bill: Hey, it's great to join you here today. This is Happy Thanksgiving to you too.
Don: Thank you for much. I'm actually Israeli. I know Thanksgiving is an American holiday or like an American event and I have been in this country for eight years. And it's my favorite holiday here, I guess because it reminds me of home. As Israeli people, we assemble every Friday for a Friday dinner with our families.
Bill: Shabbat
Don: Yes, Shabbat dinner. And that is the closest that we got here. So, I love it. I love this holiday and I love the atmosphere and I love the fact that Florida is getting a little bit colder. That's amazing.
Bill: How cold, down to 70 now or something?
Don: Oh it's 75.
Bill: Oh, man, you must have big down coats on.
Don: Yeah I'm wearing a jacket, don't ask. How's the situation in California, right, you're based off California?
Bill: Yeah, I'm in Southern California. It's called South Orange County which borders San Diego County. A very nice area here. Just love it. The beautiful and yeah, I think we're down in the 60s and 50s here lately, so we're getting really cold. And the people, of course, listening and Michigan and places like that are just saying. Yeah, right. What are you guys talking about?
Don: That's right. Yeah. Okay. So, Bill, how about you tell us a little bit about yourself in your real estate career? I know you're a very accomplished man, and you've done a lot in your career. So, tell us about yourself, what you're doing right now, what you've done in the past. Let's hear all about it.
Bill: Oh, you bet. Sure. Well, I don't know how far back you want me to go. It'd be a long show here but I'll just try to give you an overview. Mainly grew up in Southern California, started off early in the banking industry, or at that time, what they called savings and loans, and learned a lot about just the financial transactions that occur and how funds are t