As we begin our Faith Out of Africa series, the first thing we observe is a God who runs. Jesus told us he would. Jesus told us this is what God is like. He said, “The father, noticing his son a long way off, began to run down the road…” What Jesus told us about, we actually see as Philip runs to the man reading the prophet Isaiah. He was letting him know in the most profound way, “even though you are on the margins, even though you are on a migrant journey, you will never walk alone.” The African American struggle in this country has been one long road. When the church refused to see the image of Christ in the bodies of black people, thank God we have a Father who runs! Who runs past the elder brother to get to the one who’s on the road. This encounter in Acts 8 was the beginning of a robust church in Africa and we look forward to being together as the people of God this week. Join us on Sunday as we hear testimony, sing songs of hope, and grow in love and obedience to God. Share the zoom link with a friend and join us online at 10 am.