Throughout our lives we create memories that will help to shape our future, and when we look back to our childhood it seems as though those days were better. We long for the past, and wish that things would go back to the way they used to be. As children we are idealist and think that our parents and grandparents will be with us forever. We think that bad things only happen to other people, not to us. However, as we grow older we begin to realize that our invincible parents are in fact vulnerable. They always were, but we only come to this realization as we grow older. In this episode I tell you about how my perception of invincible parents and grandparents started to change with time. We can't stay in the past nor can we try to go back to the past, we need to look forward, embrace our reality and work to make it better. Our new reality includes COVID-19, we need to move on and press forward, not backwards. The old normal is gone, and we need to embrace our current situation and then work to make it better.