Rick Titan is an experienced Coach, Workshop Facilitator, former teacher at Akshobya Buddhist Center, professional wrestler and world champion, 15 years in meditation/philosophies,
(4 of those training with a Buddhist Monk) He practices training each & every day and shares it with his clients to better their lives. 🏆Achievements 🏆
- 10 years overseas & in U.S as a professional wrestler/entertainer/World Champion
- 15 years of Buddhism training
- 9 years of Management, Sales & Training - World Health Club, Re/Max Real Estate
- 5 years of Professional Speaking
- 10 years of 'Letting Go' Coaching & Business Training
Rick’s life Mission is to help people - just like you - to control your own life by designing your own world with simple tools and moving you out of being "Stuck".
Connect with Rick Titan now and BECOME the Champion of your Own LIfe!
***15 minute Powercall with Rick!!! 587-437-