Welcome to the very first episode of Companies and Markets Weekly. We hope you enjoy this new podcast from Stockopedia, where we aim to help you spot the investing lessons behind each week’s headlines.
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Stocks discussed:
GOOGL: https://www.stockopedia.com/share-prices/alphabet-NSQ:GOOGL/
BOO: https://www.stockopedia.com/share-prices/boohoo-LON:BOO/
DOM: https://www.stockopedia.com/share-prices/dominos-pizza-LON:DOM/
BBSN: https://www.stockopedia.com/share-prices/brave-bison-LON:BBSN/
STEM: https://www.stockopedia.com/share-prices/sthree-LON:STEM/
SQZ: https://www.stockopedia.com/share-prices/serica-energy-LON:SQZ/
IPX: https://www.stockopedia.com/share-prices/impax-asset-management-LON:IPX/
GAW: https://www.stockopedia.com/share-prices/games-workshop-LON:GAW/
Extra Stockopedia content we mention:
The Profit Warning Survival Guide - https://www.stockopedia.com/academy/reports/the-profit-warning-survival-guide/
The Makings of a Multibagger - https://www.stockopedia.com/academy/reports/makings-of-a-multibagger/
“Ahead of Expectations” - the three most powerful words in investing (subscriber only) - https://app.stockopedia.com/content/ahead-of-expectations-three-of-the-most-powerful-words-in-investing-1017620
The Week Ahead (subscriber only) - https://app.stockopedia.com/content/the-week-ahead-1620-december-tstl-dotd-1017925
Host: Lawrence Judd
Analysts: Graham Neary, Roland Head
Disclosures: At the time of recording, Roland holds shares in Serica Energy (SQZ). Graham also opened a long position in Impax (IPX) immediately after recording.
Disclaimer: We do not provide personalised financial advice. None of our content constitutes or should be understood as constituting a recommendation to enter in any securities transactions or to engage in any investment strategies discussed in our content. We do not provide personalised recommendations or views as to whether a stock or investment approach is suited to the financial needs of a specific individual. It is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances.