Who are you? What do you find your identity in? Everyone has the innate desire to know who they are; what significance they have in creation; what meaning they can bring to the world; how they fit into the grand scheme of things. The problem is that as sinful humans we are very bad at trying to figure this out on our own.
We must start with the foundational truth that identity is given by God, not self-created. Then we have to realize that our identity is multifaceted.
We are complex in our makeup and identify in all sorts of ways. However, all the various aspects of our identity must be subject to what God has declared over us. There are at least three “categories” of things we find our identity in:
- Who we are as humans
- Who we are as Christians
- Who we are as individuals
Many people are trying to find out who they are as an individual, but they do not have a correct understanding of who they are as a human, or who they are in Christ.
The world errs in trying to discover their personal identity, but ignoring what God has declared their identity to be as humans, and their identity as needing to be in Christ. This leads to sinful expressions of personal identity.
The church errs in focusing ONLY on our identity as hidden in Christ, and ignoring the diverse ways Christ has chosen to have that expressed. This leads to us thinking that the different things we like to do are insignificant
Assuming you understand your identity as a human, made in God’s image, and a child of God hidden in Christ - how do you find your individual identity?
What do you enjoy doing?
Psalms 37:4
What are you good at doing?
1 Peter 4:10
What has been affirmed by others?
Acts 6:1-6
Seek the help of your elders to draw out your gifting
Ephesians 4:12
Whatever you do, commit your ways to the Lord
Philippians 1:27, Colossians 3:17, Colossians 3:23-24
Book Referenced: A.W. Tozer - The Pursuit of God: https://amzn.to/3c8FpWI
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Show Song:
*FLAMES* - chill hip hop beat by Skunky Prod