The Mask of Weakness - Pastor Kevin Truett (101616)
Traditionally, the month of October sees millions of masks on the faces of all sorts of people.
$2.8 billion will be spent on costumes overall. Specifically, [people] will shell out $1.1 billion on children’s costumes, and $1.4 billion on adult costumes. It is clear Fido and Fluffy will not be forgotten: Americans will spend $350 million on costumes for their furry friends.
Spooky holidays aside, people are constantly trying to be someone they're not.
Join us during the entire month of OCTOBER as we celebrate who we are in Christ and remove the masks we constantly put on to deceive ourselves and others.
Sunday Family Worship Service
CLC Downtown @ 10AM (210 Liberty ST SE)
CLC North @ 6PM (4660 Portland Rd. NE)