Misty Catheline Ep:01
On today's solo episode, Misty's Musings, I'll be telling you a little bit about myself, my mission and my podcast, and exclusively candid soliloquy.
Hey, it's your host, Misty here, and you're listening to my very first episode of conquering chaos, because one of my superpowers is teaching others how to conquer chaos. In this episode, I'll tell you a bit about myself, my mission, the podcast and how to find me. I'm an advocate, Coach, creator, daughter, empath, INFJ, color Street and oily Mama, realtor, sister, one of five siblings, and the middle child. And wifey. I wear a lot of hats. My mission is super simple, conquering chaos for Mamas and their families to live a happier, healthier lifestyle. Am I perfect? No way. Am I passionate? Hell yes. I've been tapping into my god given gifts, my superpowers if you will, my entire life. And I realized in my late 30s that I could use them to help others. The mission of my podcast is to reach more Mama's to help more families. This podcast will be a combo of interview style and solo episodes(Misty's Musings). I'll interview mamas with different backgrounds from all over. My solo episodes, Misty's Musings- I will talk about a specific topic that I'm led to, or topics by request. So that's a little about me, my podcast and who I'm here to help. If you know me, thank you for tuning in. And if you don't, welcome. Find me on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn Clubhouse, and others with my handle at mistycatheline. That's C a t h e l i n e, I'd love to know where you are on your motherhood journey. And if you know other moms in your life, or women in your village helping you raise your children, please share this podcast with them. They may just get inspired. Please like me and leave a review if you feel inspired to do so.
I hope you enjoyed today's episode. I'm super excited about this podcast and so happy that you're tuning in. Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be less overwhelmed and have way more fun? Well, guess what? I'm super excited because I can help you with that. If you're interested you can find out more at mistycathelie.com where I will meet you where you're at and work with you to take you and your family where you want to be- living a happier, healthier lifestyle. Have an amazing day, Mama! —send me a voicemail—https://anchor.fm/misty-catheline/message
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