Jeff Brown is a breakthrough voice in the self-help and spirituality field,
and the author of five previous books: Soulshaping: A Journey of
Self-Creation, Ascending with Both Feet on the Ground, Love It Forward, An
Uncommon Bond, and Spiritual Graffiti. In his previous life, Jeff was a
criminal lawyer and psychotherapist. Since pursuing his path as a writer,
he has launched many initiatives, including founding Enrealment Press, and
an online school, Soulshaping Institute. He is the producer and key
journeyer of the award-winning spiritual documentary, Karmageddon, which
also stars Ram Dass, Seane Corn, Deva Premal and Miten. At present, he is
getting caught up on lost sleep after writing Grounded Spirituality, his
new book to be published in March and preparing for the next stages of his
creative journey and path of sacred activism.