This episode is an example of what happens when you give up control and consciously enter the "flow" state. When I set out to host a podcast, I made no excuses about the fact that the entire purpose was to dig up all my stories and practice telling them in a transparent way both to get the "gunk" out of my system, and maximize the......contagion factor of my voice? That sound right. We'll call it the contagion factor. I caught myself "in my head" about topics vs. doing what I promised myself, which was just letting go and trusting the words to find me. And soon as I noticed I was reaching for topics I stopped, pressed record, and started talking. And "I" think...this is one of the most authentic episodes I have put together. If you want to know what I talked was a little about mindfulness, and a little about true wealth, and purpose, and authenticity. But you can find all that out for yourself. Give it a listen. See what you think.