Jane Allen is a PwC Advisory Cyber, Privacy, and Forensic Technology Partner based in Northern California, focused on Information and Data Governance, Investigations & Incident Response, and Digital Forensics and eDiscovery. She balances her time between Board, C-suite, and other executive directed enterprise programs helping companies more strategically manage the risks and benefits associated with Information, Data, and Records, and aiding companies in a defensible manner leveraging technology and analytics through the normal course of business activities, in addition to crisis events such as regulator inquiries and investigations, IP theft, legal eDiscovery, and other remediation activities related to data and records management. Additionally, she has served primarily in-house law departments and law firms for over 25 years on various legal operational improvement and transformation efforts that usually center around technologies such as eBilling and Matter Management, Contract Lifecycle Management, and Legal Holds and Discovery. Jane is an elected member of the PwC US Board of Partners and Principals, and amongst others, serves on the Risk & Quality, and Government Security committees.