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Here are the steps to get unstuck and make your life happen:
1. Get a clear vision of what you want.
2. Outline a general plan to get there. Research using podcasts, posts, talking to people. You won’t know what the heck to do at first, and that’s okay.
3. Find inspiration stories to motivate you.
4. Start with the smallest first step possible. Then divide it in half. Then divide it in half again.
5. Or start by doing 5% of what you think you should do. It adds up.
6. Do something each day towards your goal.
7. Learn how to keep motivated. (It’s not what you think.)
8. Face your fear and do it anyway. You WILL feel terrified and overwhelmed, that’s normal. Don’t let it stop you.
9. Need help? I’ve made an outline for you on how exactly to do all of this here: