Conversations I Wish I Could Have

Conversations I Wish I Could Have

By Jo Self

Society & CulturePhilosophy

What's Conversations I Wish I Could Have about?

Hi there, this is Jo Self, Daughter of David Self – a collector of hippos and a self-proclaimed benevolent dictator. I am super thrilled to be launching my new podcast, Conversations I Wish I could have with my Dad. You might be wondering what this is all about. Honestly, it’s possibly a bit self-indulgent, but I also hope it will be both entertaining and informative. The biggest reason I’ve decided to do this is because I really miss talking with my dad. We used to have the best conversations. They would be political, intellectual, inspirational, humorous – really, a bit of everything. There was nothing, and I mean nothing, I couldn’t talk about with him. And nowadays, even though we are all connected via the web or social media, I feel like there isn’t always a safe space to have provocative conversations. Ones where opinions are allowed to be shared without the intention of changing anyone’s mind, but to purely connect and show a different viewpoint. During this first season, I’m covering topics from as simple a giving a bit of backstory on my Dad, Dave, but I’m also exploring what community means, how we grieve, euthanasia, conscious capitalism and more. We’re running the gambit. With that said, I hope you’ll tune in and give us a chance.

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Conversations I Wish I Could Have episodes: