#028 - Welcome to Conversations with Ipswich School, the podcast where we invite current and former students to talk about what life at Ipswich School is all about. We take a look at some of the opportunities beyond the classroom and ask what role our passions and interests play in shaping us as citizens.
Today, we're talking to sixth former Anya about her experience as a National DofE Ambassador. Anya tells us all about the DofE experience and the skills that young people learn through the DofE scheme, as well as what to do if you get lost on the expedition! We discover that leadership and teamwork skills develop over time and that volunteering is one of the best ways to build your own confidence. Anya also talks about working with national agencies to provide a youth perspective into mental health and enrichment.
Listen in for our take on dealing with imposter syndrome and why you should step outside your comfort zone.
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