Ron Pearce show #5
On a Sunday night in the middle of winter, young Ron Pearce walked down the aisle of his church during an evangelical crusade to make his decision of faith “official.” As he knelt at the alter, he said to God, “Please don’t make this boring.”
Ron Pearce’s life and ministry have been anything. On this podcast we talk about all the places God took him from pastoring to business experience to prepare him for what it would take to start Empower Ministries. Ron now circles the globe investigating how the Western church can help supplement the vibrant and growing ministries of international Christian leaders. Ron talks about the ways God is moving in the world and bears witness to the explosion of Christian faith in areas like China, Ethiopia and Asia. We talk history of missions and how missions is changing today as well as the explosion of dreams and visions in some parts of the world.
You can visit his website at
The book Ron spoke about: “Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim world?” by Tim Doyle
*note on China: Since recording this podcast, many of the people he spoke of on this podcast are experiencing extreme persecution for their faith. The Chinese government has established new laws that make it impossible to express faith without repercussions. In addition, the Chinese government is destroying Bibles and making their own “official” Bible which they have altered to serve their purposes. To read more specifics visit Ron’s website at