The role of crypto investors is evolving—rapidly. Blockchain technologies will create trillions of dollars of value over the next decade. But investing in tokens is fundamentally different than investing in companies. New tools, heuristics, and security measures are required to responsibly invest in this ecosystem.
It’s not enough to simply be a pure custodian or asset manager any more. Crypto-native managers also bear the responsibility of ushering nascent markets to stability—by way of investment, governance, and active participation. This panel brings together managers from disparate backgrounds to share their perspective and experience.
This panel features Tushar Jain of Multicoin Capital; Ari Paul, the CIO of Blocktower Capital; Alex Felix, Managing Director and CIO at CoinFund; Josh Nussbaum, a Partner at; and last but not least, Shane Molidor, the Global Head of Business Development for FBG One.