Let's pretend we are all in prison (Fun, right?)
We can never leave our cells & the only view to the outside world - a small window.
How are we to come to a better understanding of what is out there?
Talking to our cellmates!
Everyone sees the world in a different way, a unique perspective,
we can always learn more about who we are through their experiences
Cam Beaudoin has a great story! His journey from where he is today to where he is going - is fascinating!
From selling jewelry in cool places - to learning code - to working as a developer - to discovering his niche - to learning to communicate his message - to becoming an entrepreneur & speaking at conferences all over the country!
He is the owner of a company called Accelerated Accessibility - where he helps improve digital technologies by making them accessible to everyone (he does a great job of explaining what that looks like)
I hope you learn, as I did, from listening to Cam's journey and our conversation.