When I was a lawyer I cried a lot.
Not because I was bored to tears (and I was). Not because I hated my job (and I did). I cried a lot, because I was so unfulfilled in my work.
My spirit longed to do something exciting, meaningful, and creative. So, every day that I endured pushing around five pound packets of paper, and filling out the SAME STINKIN’ FORMS, trapped in a literal Groundhog Day, I felt my spirit slowly sinking into despair.
That desperation led to the intense pursuit of discovering my true calling, and while I don’t know that I’ve evolved to that place yet, I’m much closer now than ever before.
It’s a tremendous feeling, and I’m so glad I listened to the still small voice that beckoned to me while sitting in the frigid confines of my regal legal office. But it wasn’t easy and I felt a whole lotta lost along the way.
Well, that’s great, Marlee. Good for you. But what’s this got to do with me?
I’m so glad you asked. ;)
If you feel like you’re missing the mark when it comes to pinpointing your purpose (how’s that for some alliteration) you’re going to want to put aside a few minutes to watch today’s video. In it, I share three spiritual methods for exploring your true calling, and I introduce you to my new friend, Jory Fisher.
The methods I’m sharing I learned from Jory during my interview with her for the Entrepreneurs of Faith series I run on the Faith. Business. Fun. Podcast. You can listen to the entire (truly amazing) interview above or in iTunes.
Jory (also a former practicing attorney) is a certified life coach, health coach, purpose coach, and career coach and works primarily with Christian Women Leaders and Entrepreneurs. Her passion is helping women of faith discern their True Purpose™ and achieve optimal health so they can become the women they're called to be, serve the people they're called to serve, and glorify God through success.
During her interview she walks through her process for helping people discover their purpose and push past the self-imposed block that keep them from fulfilling their calling. It’s one of the best interviews I’ve done to date. Don’t miss it!
You can learn more about Jory and her work by visiting her website www.JoryFisher.com.
And, if you’ve used any similar methods for getting closer to your purpose, I would love to know about them, so be sure to share them in the comments below.