"A Stain That Will Not Erase"
CONTENT ADVISORY: NSFW language, unless you work in a cool place where they don't mind a lot of swearing and southern accents.
Our first episode with a title! The phrase just lent itself so well...
Starting at about 30:10 and continuing through to the end, we talk about THOR: THE DARK WORLD in great detail, leading into some discussion about the "Infinity Gauntlet" comic series from Marvel. If you haven't seen the movie or read those comics, we drop some major spoilers for both. Consider yourself warned.
So yes, we talk about THOR: THE DARK WORLD for most of this week's show, but before that we have our wrapup of NC Comicon and the ComiQuest Film Festival, as well as a little more talk about the X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST trailer.
BIG NEWS! In case you missed the announcement in the last episode, we'll be sponsoring an upcoming film in the RetroClassics Film Series at the Carolina Theatre in Durham, NC. Join us on Dec. 6, 2013 at 7pm for GOJIRA! That's right, the original 1954 Japanese classic the world would come to know as GODZILLA! Immediately following GOJIRA will be 1956's FORBIDDEN PLANET. A finer double feature can scarcely be found!
Check us out on the web for news, links, and extended show notes: