What are specific examples of serious games for online trainings? What are good check-ins, energizers and "main dish" serious games?
All games have been tested in their digital version by us and we definitely recommend them.
- 1) Great Check-in game: show a picture about // emojii check-in / check-out (a small step for them)
- Marius' Check-in Game: Draw a battery on the whiteboard & let all participants draw a line into the battery indicating how much energy they have today / right now / this morning.
- As a "respectable" game to transport a topic / learning: Consider the "Change Game"
- Step 1) Tell all participants to turn their camera off
- Step 2) Give them ~20 sec. to change "something (up to 3 aspects) in your scene / about your appearance"
- Have them turn their camera on: Ask the group: “What changes can you spot with the others?
- After two or three rounds, some learners will notice how they find it harder to introduce change, some find it easier.
- Debrief with emotional questions or other question types you will find in Julian's free "debriefing cube" (Link below)
- A good final question for the change game: ”What happened to the changes!” → sustainability
“Is there a story when things went wrong in your online facilitation?
- Watch out for performance ceilings
- Check the performance from the participants side (Is there one person representing a “bottleneck”)
- never overload your electronic board (such as mural.co, miro.com or klaxoon.com)
- Keep learner's bandwidth limitations in mind
Golden nugget: What is the one thing most online-facilitators are not aware of ?
- Checking for understanding is harder online:
- I will answer 2 questions before we start. (Before we start primes them.) Who wants to ask me one of two questions now?
- Do you have the instructions downloaded to your machine?
- Use some equialent to J Millers “Bat Signal” on the common board
Links for our listeners
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