Raw conversation about diet, the stars, and energy going around in the air this past week. We are all connected in the universe and to the universe therefor the alignment of the stars can be correlated with us.
DIET- Be conscious of what you eat since you become it! Look at ingredients and care enough about your body and proper nourishment.
STARS- What the stars are made out of can be found within us all. Look it up!
ENERGY- If you’ve been feeling lost or handling emotions that came from nowhere, you are not the only one! Like i’ve said, it’s a new moon, and we are correlated with the stars and so is the Moon.
Victor Oddo’s Instagram - instagram.com/victoroddo
the video for the new moon - https://youtu.be/9aFk_tXi5BM
Kombucha I drink! - https://gtslivingfoods.com/offering/classic-kombucha/multi-green/
Chlorella and Spirulina are complete sources of protein with many other beneficial nutrients. Electrolytes regulate the fluid levels in your body, pH level, and enables muscle contractions. Polyphenols are packed with antioxidants which have multiple health benefits such as protecting yourself from free radicals i.e potential dis-ease forming cells. Probiotics, or "good bacteria."
Thanks for listening!!! instagram.com/neppahtitel (let it happen backwards)