A blend of traditional chorus and training ground, Bel Canto explores choral technique and music theory, and many musical genres, including African-American spirituals, traditional Latin, modern choral, non-English folk songs, pop and jazz music. Students may remain in Bel Canto multiple years, taking advantage of the changing repertoire and varied genres in order to maximize their choral music education and prepare them for whatever type of ensemble they will choose in college or as an adult. Others participate in Bel Canto a year or two before choosing to specialize by requesting Camerata or auditioning for Cantilena or Downbeat, and indeed a year in Bel Canto is required before joining one of these other groups.
This episode discusses Bel Canto in addition to briefly discussing other opportunities for vocal music such as Cantilena, Camerata, and Downbeat.
Interview with: Ms. Sandusky
Produced by: Evan Cheng