Instead of celebrating their graduations in packed arenas and stadiums all across the country, seniors are creating ceremonies in their own homes. In this episode, we talk to Paige Fean, my mom, who’s trying her best to make college graduation still feel special. With her daughter graduating from Penn State in a couple weeks, she’s trying to stay positive, but also recognizes that this is a hard time for seniors.
Bio: My name is Lexi Fean and I am a senior print/ digital journalism major. I’ve had internships with Penn State University and the Federal Taphouse, where I’ve worked on social media and marketing, and I’m excited to move to Orlando, FL after graduation to work for the Walt Disney Company.
Credits:Photo-Lexi Fean
Music-Upbeat Party by Scott Holmes
Sound effects-Bird Chirping
Sound Effect from Alexander for Creative Commons
Interviewees-Paige Fean, Sophia Vario