We're joined by Dan Wu, Owner of Atomic Ramen. Dan discusses the reality of owning a local restaurant and closing due to the pandemic until further notice. He's spent his time being a resource to the community, first through Lex Unite (https://www.lexunite.com/ (https://www.lexunite.com/)), a project to support Lexington small businesses. More recently he has helped lead the Lee Initiative (https://leeinitiative.org/#lex (https://leeinitiative.org/#lex)), a relief program for restaurant workers that provides free meals and home staples out of the Great Bagel's Boston Road Location.
From the Lee Initiative:
Restaurant Workers Relief Program
Due to the closure of restaurants in our area we have an urgent need for assistance for the thousands of restaurant workers who find themselves suddenly without work, without a paycheck and without a support system.
Independent restaurants are at the center of the vibrant growth in America. For the past decade, we have relied on the stellar hospitality of the Bluegrass to create amazing local dining opportunities. But now restaurant workers need your help more than ever. If we don’t take a stand and do something now, there will not be an independent restaurant industry to speak of when the coronavirus crisis is over.
Starting on March 26th, in partnership with https://www.instagram.com/makersmark/ (@makersmark) and https://www.instagram.com/leeinitiative/ (@leeinitiative) https://www.instagram.com/chefedwardlee/ (@chefedwardlee), we will turn https://www.instagram.com/GreatBagel/ (@GreatBagel)’s Boston Road location into a restaurant workers relief center with https://www.instagram.com/LexUnite/ (@LexUnite) (https://www.instagram.com/greatbagel/ (@greatbagel), https://www.instagram.com/branded78_/ (@branded78_), https://www.instagram.com/atomicramen/ (@atomicramen), https://www.instagram.com/whiskeybearbar/ (@whiskeybearbar) and https://www.instagram.com/tuktuklex/ (@tuktuklex)). We are operating for restaurant workers who have been laid off or had a significant reduction in hours and/or pay. We are offering help for those in dire need of food and supplies. Each night, we will pack hundreds of to go dinners that people can come to pick up and take home. Dinners are offered on a first come first serve basis. Limit 1 per person unless there is an emergency situation.
We will also have essential supplies on hand. We will limit how much any one person can take of these supplies but they will be handed out free to those in need.
We will continue to offer this program until we can no longer financially support the program. Donations can be made to our efforts at LeeInitiative.Org
Details of the program are below:
LexUNITE https://www.instagram.com/lexunite/ (@lexunite)
Great Bagel Boston Road (our service location) https://www.instagram.com/GreatBagel/ (@GreatBagel) - Dinner pick up address:
Great Bagel and Bakery
3650 Boston Rd https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/108/ (#108)
Lexington, KY 40514
Please pull up outside to designated spaces and wait in your vehicle. -This program will be offered 7 days a week until otherwise notified.
- Pick up time is 5:00 to 7:00 daily
To support this program and our restaurant community donate to LEEInitiative.org