When we become born again we expect our lives to change and the situations we find ourselves in to become better, but with little effort from ourselves. We are told, “Ask and you shall receive,” yet have very little patience or perseverance to see our prayers manifest. We have heard in the previous sermons that, in order for our lives to change, we must be the Game Changers. We need to create a purpose within ourselves and we must lean on the foundations to build strong lives within the kingdom.
In this sermon, Pastor Thabo takes us deeper into what it means to be a Game Changer. God is a spiritual being and when you become born again you are reborn into that spirituality with His DNA. And,like Him, you are reborn with an extravagantly generous heart. Generosity is an attitude that shows what you are made of, and who you are part of. Jesus came to exemplify the Father, who is the very essence of extravagant generosity and compassion. It is this part of us that makes us the Game Changers, not just in our own lives, but in the lives of those around us.