Political standpoints are not expressed in this blog or podcast. We aim to provide key information for citizens to make their own informed decisions. This is largely economic based observations with potential effects on the world economy. This information was compiled from the current US Trade Policy Background: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/row/IF10156.pdf
Congressional folk heavily oversee the trade policy and define their intentions as follows:
Since World War II, U.S. trade policy has generally sought to:
· liberalize markets by reducing trade and investment barriers through agreements and negotiations;
· foster an open and nondiscriminatory rules-based trading system, including through the World Trade Organization (WTO);
· enforce trade commitments and laws;
· support economic growth; and
· offer relief to U.S. firms and workers from import competition and “unfair” foreign trade practices.
Now you have a basic breakdown of the U.S. Trade Policy, let’s dive in to the benefits along with potential risks of world trade.
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