Lowell Bliss is the director of Eden Vigil, an environmental missions organization which seeks to combine church planting with creation care particularly among least-reached people groups. He and his wife Robynn, a proud Canadian, were church-planting missionaries with Christar in India and Pakistan for fourteen years.
The Book Lowell mentions in his talk, People, Trees, and Poverty, can be found at WilliamCarey.com. He also is the author of Environmental Missions, Planting Churches and Trees can also be found there.
As Lowell shares in the talk we are about to listen to, it was in that context, alongside the polluted Ganges River, that he developed the conviction that he must be just as much an environmentalist as he is an evangelist. For him, sharing good news with people about Jesus Christ has to include good news for their bodies and the environment they live in.
As you listen to Lowell's story and his journey with God to reach the place he is now, trying to be fully committed to creation care AND frontier missions, reflect on how you're feeling. How would you respond in the circumstances he describes? Does his story give you a different perspective on caring for creation as an integral part of mission work to reach the unreached with the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Give warning that his stories do get a little graphic.
Steven Spicer and Paul Dzubinski host this edition of the Creation Care Missions Podcast. Below is the full text Lowell Bliss' talk he gave at the Creation Care at the Frontiers of Mission conference can be found at www.CreationCareMissions.org/blog